Thursday, August 28, 2008

In Case You Missed It

In my comments about the chipmunk post:

"Oh God! You Canucks make me so sick! Especialy your picture. You hit each and every branch on the way down ugly tree and then must have broken your face on the ground. Did your parents not know the were too ugly to procreate?! Have you ever been a human? Holy smoke.....You wouldnt turn me on with a porn star friend."


Unknown said...


Michael Lehet said...

Well, taking a look at his site and that he just turned on Comment Moderation must tell you something.

blah blah blah!

Bohemian in Korea said...

Blah, I believe our esteemed friend The Gypsy Scholar would call this an ad hominem attack. To which The Bohemian said "tells him to go fook himself." I will neither support or deny this position I can only say that trolls who say these kind of malicious things need to shampoo my crotch.

Bohemian in Korea said...

Oh and I forgot "hugs"