So what goes better than winter than soup, food wise? Maybe stew, but, as they say here, "same same but different!" Tonight I enjoyed my usual Wednesday 'soon doobu jjighae (soft tofu stew) but last night in my little kitchen I made what was intended to be a soup, but turned out to be a stew.

This was made by browning a bit of minced pork with garlic, diced onions, and ginger. I added some white wine, black bean paste, red pepper paste and a bit of oyster sauce before throwing in some pieces of tubular rice cake and mushrooms and a few cups of soup stock. After letting that simmer for awhile, I added some pre soaked 'chap'che' noodles (made from sweet potato I think) and a splash of sesame oil. By the time I was ready to eat it, the noodles had absorbed a lot of the liquid, so it was a lot less soupy than I had intended, but no bother, it was still hot and delicious. I ate it with mool kimchi (pictured) and baechu kimchi (my favourite, the older and stronger the better!) Yummy!
Another treat I've recently found here is a little 'cup noodle' made of thin glass noodles (called harusume in Japan.) I love it, and usually buy a bag full of instant 'tantanmen harusume' from the 7-11 when I'm in Japan. I don't know what flavours they're featuring here, but so far I've found 3 of them, green, red and black. They're quick and hot for my breakfast, and only 120 calories each! Mmmmm mmmm! I thought I would like red the best, as it's spicier, but in this rare instance I prefer the milder tasting black container. Sometimes when I'm feeling saucy I add a bit of peanut butter before I pour in the hot water and it tastes a little more 'tantanmen-ish.' If you can find them in your supermarket near the ramen, give them a try!
Peanut butter?
It's peanutty goodness!
I'll, umm, take your word on that :)
you had me until 'peanut butter'...
I don't remember if you live in Busan... if you do, my wife and I run a little cafe in the PNU area. We got great Western style soups and paninis, and so on.
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