I went up and visited Bella and the puppies a couple weekends ago. It was a nice short visit; we only spent a few hours there, but it didn't start off so well. This time, I went with my boss and "manager." I like my manager, I do - but she is a Korean "Princess" of the highest order. I find it frustrating to accommodate her prissiness and have, on numerous occasions this past summer, decided that if she adjusts the temperature on the school's air conditioner just one more time she will surely die. She'll die and I'll go to prison for it.
So we're driving along and she's busy in the front seat adjusting a sweater over her body whenever an errant beam of sun dares to come through the window and shine upon her person. In addition to having crazy poor circulation and therefore a serious aversion to a cool breeze, she's also decided she's allergic to the sun. I sat glowering in the back thinking about how I could accidentally "trip" her so she could fall into some manure once we got to the farm.
So we arrive, and Bella - the sweet gentle shih-tzu comes bounding out to greet us and The Princess FREAKS OUT!!!! She's also terrified of dogs. So Bella got banished to a bedroom while we sat down for lunch and I sulked. I was there to play with Bella and the puppies! To her credit, The Princess did calm down enough to be in the same vicinity of Bella after awhile, as long as Bella didn't approach her. For some reason (Go, Bella!) the dog wanted to follow the Princess around and mess with her. I'd like to think Bella thought it was fun to bug her, but I think the dog just interpreted The Princess's screaming for excitement. Anyhoo.



Cutey cute cute cute cute.

The Princess-Eating Monster:

"Hey, Princess! I'z running at you to eat your face off! Raaaargh!"

"I don't have teeth yet, but I'm pretending this toy is The Princess's face. I shall eat her face off when I'm a little older."

After all the playing and the planning of eating faces, all the wee doggies were tuckered out.

Bella was too tired to make it through the doorway.

And so, Inshallah, this chapter of "Rescuing Dogs in Korea" will soon be over. We have found homes for the three puppies. They'll all go to Korean families and my boss has tried to placate me, assuring that they'll all be well cared for, vaccinated, and spayed or neutered. I don't really believe that, but what can I do? Bella is bound next weekend for a new life. She'll join an American family who already have a shih-tzu (a one-eyed male dog named Jack, how cool is that?) and she'll have four kids doting on her. I've learned Bella has a bad habit of wandering off, but I hope her new family will be patient with her. She'll be spayed and micro-chipped, as per U.S. army regulations, and will live in a gated community, where I hope the neighbours will recognize her if she escapes for a little solo adventure. I'm glad that this extended rescue story is coming to a close and I'm looking forward to not worrying about the outcome anymore. Yay.
Jupiter Fun Facts:
Jupiter isn't a rocky planet like Earth, it's a big ball of gas. Stormy gas. The winds on Jupiter gust at over 322 km/h. While a day on Jupiter is about 10 Earth hours, a year on the giant planet is equivalent to about 12 Earth years! Jupiter's equator spins at a rate of about 43,000 kilometres an hour.