Sunday, January 13, 2008

WCB - 136 Poor Little Buttercup

First Kamikaze places himself like so, under the blankets via tunneling. Then he arranges his face thusly, too cute. My little Matchstick Man.
I'm just about to burrow under the covers with a book on this cold rainy Sunday afternoon. Perfect for cuddles and naps.

Slide on over to Chey's Place and check out the other kittycats in this weekend's WCB!


Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Kamikaze looks so sweet! I's love to pet him! Cats love to go under the covers...



Ingrid said...

How sweet he looks not at all like a kamikaze, lol ! For lazy moments in my bed I need cats too ! Fortunately from my 5 there are at least 3 doing me this favour !

Kitikata-san said...

Kami, you look very cute under there!

Bonnie Loves Cats =^..^= said...

Thank you, Kamikaze, for your handsome picture.