Exhibit A:
Dead bird.

Exhibit B:
Another dead bird. (On another day.)

Exhibit C:
Rat, deceased.

Exhibit D:
Pheasant, scared the shit out of me.

Actually, this was killed previously to experiencing its second death on the pile of trash. It was taxidermied and nailed to a wooden block. I passed by a cat tonight who was intrigued by it.
Exhibit E:
The worst carnage in a single walk to work yet, a monkey AND a duck.

And now the suspects:
Says he doesn't know nothing about nothing. Growls.

Shouts that he's tired of being blamed for all the trouble in the neighbourhood. He's thinking of heading back to the Everglades, but has been warned not to leave town until the investigation is complete.

And as I sat tonight going over the details in my mind and snacking on sausages with my trusted investigative partner Buddy: The Good Boy,

a new suspect poked its little face over a makeshift fence. Can you spot him?

He escaped before we could question him.
Our investigation is ongoing.
That is a lot of dead stuff, including a dead stuffed monkey and duck.
My goodness. This is pretty spooky.
I sure love that Buddy!
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