See? All ready to zap your leg off!
Turns out it was a calico laser cat.

After establishing I had no chicken in my bag, she turned her back on me, waiting for the people who do have the chicken.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Kamikaze's gone all upside-down.

Now off with you!
When I was a kid, friends of ours had a drunk Scottish father, and he used to often say "If ye dunnae wanta play the lawn darts, it's off inta the drink fer ye!" Sometimes he would try to drag us down to the lake and toss one of us off the dock, but his balance wasn't so great and we could wriggle away. I don't know why I just thought of that.
But I say if ye dunnae wanta play the lawn darts, then off ye go to Paulchen's Food Blog to see the other kitty-cats in this weekend's cat blogging thing-a-ma-jig.
Make sure you check out Dragonheart! I brought some of my students into the office to show them his pictures on the computer, and they freaked out! "Teacher! What is it?!??!" I think that cat rocks!
uuuh those laser cats do look scary...
Kashim & Othello
Nice laser eyes! Kamikaze is a lovely upside-down kitty...
Laser eyes! You can use them for flashlights, right? Kamikaze is very cute.
Wow! It looks to me like Calico Cat has had a lot of chicken. Does Kami know that he can get chicken from that place too? Give him a big kissy for me and Upsie!
Kami and laser cat are too cute!
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