I coughed almost non-stop last night while trying unsuccessfully to sleep. I finally got up and drank one of my last two remaining precious Neo-Citrines. That did the trick, and I was able to get in about 3 and a half hours of "zzzz's." I'm going to stop by the clinic on the way to work and get me some medicine and, most probably, an ass injection. If it doesn't stop the coughing I'm going to drink loads of soju before I try to sleep tonight.
Did you know when Koreans are sick, they eat spicy soup and soju? It's not chicken soup, but 'when in Rome,...'
Out of the comfort zone
12 hours ago
1 shot of nyquil and a few shots of soju - works every time for me.
Where do you get Nyquil?!?!
Well...I get it at the base exchange here at Osan. You know, I never looked if any Korean stores carried it...probably not though because the pharmacists love giving out those little bags with 10 mystery pills and powders.
Even better, if you could possibly get hold of something called Thera-Flu, that stuff is just awesome. Last year I had the flu and my wife got me some of that (from on base, sorry) - it was the severe cold one...tasted like hot lemonade but it sure packed a punch. Not only did I sleep like a baby, but I felt so much better.
Actually, Thera-Flu sounds exactly the same as Neo-Citrine. (They call it "Lem-Sip" in Scotland, isn't that cute?) The one I drank the night before last was for "cough, cold and flu" ~ so, like, 2 out of 3 ain't bad. I have only one left now. Lemony goodness, eh? I just add a little peanut butter before the hot water, and,...
I don't think it's fair that the base exchange has everything I want. First cheese, then thick pork chops, now nyqul and thera-flu. Jeeze. Army dudes are spoiled.
Ack! I'm retired Air Force, and Osan is an AF base...but yes, we're pretty spoiled down here. So spoiled, that tomorrow after church I'll head on base to the commissary bakery to get me a fresh-baked cheese danish to go with my coffee (in which I put hazelnut flavored creamer...mmmm).
That's what I'm talking about.
Dude, why are you hurting me? Because I called you an army dude? (My bad, sorry -- I KNEW you were AF too!)
LOL, yeah, I know I'm a bastard :)
Anyway - hope you feel better. The Korean crud is the worst.
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